Croatian vocabulary: Što je korijen riječi?
What is the root of the word?
Like the word "root" in English, the Croatian word "korijen" refers to both the source of plant nutrition and moisture, and the source of words.
This does not mean the etymology of words - their origins from Latin, or German, or other languages. No, we are talking about the derivation of Croatian words from other Croatian words. Word-building. Some are obvious, such as: glasnogovornik spokesperson, mouthpiece glavobolja headache nogomet football kišobran umbrella And some are not.
In this section I will discuss the roots of some words that seemed interesting, curious or helpful to me along the path of learning Croatian.
List of entries so far. CLICK on a LINK to go directly to the post.
Što je korijen riječi? The roots of words HOME (New posts continually added)
001 Zora, prozor, zoran ........ 002 Nadimak 003 Uništiti NEW 27.07.2023
I would like to acknowledge my teacher Mateja (at SpeakCro) for arousal of curiosity in this and so many other aspects of the Croatian language.
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