Croatian sayings and expressions
Aha! U tom grmu leži zec!
Every language has its peculiar sayings - full of meaning, but often not following the grammar rules, and often a literal translation doesn't make any sense.
In English, I can immediately think of "He bit the dust", "She's too cocky for her own good", "The sky won't fall in", "I must get straight back on the horse.", "Backs to the wall", and "I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw him".
And, of course, there are proverbs.
To make sense of a conversation in the coffee shop, sometimes we have to be alert to the fact that such an expression has been used. And then we have to understand what it means.
Throwing these expressions into our own conversational dialogue is probably the ultimate test of having "arrived". But that is two levels higher than just recognizing them.
In the pages in this section are a few of them .....
I am going to practise using just one of them, and wait for an opportunity to throw it into a conversation (ever so casually) at an appropriate time.
The question is, which one? Hmmm .... Aha! U tom grmu leži zec. .... U tom grmu leži zec. .... U tom grmu leži zec. .... U tom grmu leži zec.
Got it. I'm ready and waiting ..................
The posts in this section are listed below. CLICK on any link to go directly to the desired page.
Posts 1 - 15 HOME
001 Ne daj se!
002 U tom grmu leži zec!
003 Baš me briga!
004 Mačji kašalj!
005 Što je, tu je!
006 Eto ti ga na!
007 Na licu mjesta
008 Sve si to ti kriv!
Dakle, želiš biti kao pravi Hrvat, je l' da? HOME (New posts continually added)
001 Ovako
002 Je'l tako?
003 Tako je
004 Izvoli! Izvolite!
005 Eto!
Posts 1 - 15 HOME
001 Ne daj se!
002 U tom grmu leži zec!
003 Baš me briga!
004 Mačji kašalj!
005 Što je, tu je!
006 Eto ti ga na!
007 Na licu mjesta
008 Sve si to ti kriv!
Dakle, želiš biti kao pravi Hrvat, je l' da? HOME (New posts continually added)
001 Ovako
002 Je'l tako?
003 Tako je
004 Izvoli! Izvolite!
005 Eto!
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AHA! Learning Croatian with Bob
Correspondence: [email protected]
Correspondence: [email protected]