Croatian grammar: Reference section
This website AHA! CROATIAN is not intended as an authoritative instructional course – that would be like me trying to teach about Einstein’s Universal Theory of Relativity. I can just scratch the surface in terms of mastery of the subject, and even then some of my knowledge is probably suspect – or plain wrong.
No, any learning that arises out of perusing AHA! CROATIAN will be only because some of my puzzling or comical experiences with learning Croatian might strike a chord with you. Nevertheless, it has been pointed out to me that it would be useful to have the basic components of Croatian grammar directly available on this website so that you don’t need to go to some other source (such as a textbook) when you want to remind yourself of some point of grammar. Be aware of this ....... If a visitor to Croatia wants to go from Zagreb to Split, we can give them a linear set of instructions - each section following on from, and independent of, the previous section: Zagreb to Karlovac, Karlovac to Ogulin,, .... and so on. Sadly, learning Croatian (or any language) is not like that. There is no definite starting point, and everything is interconnected and interdependent. To know C, you need to understand A and B. To know D, you need to understand A and C. But the more that you understand D, the better that you can appreciate B. It's a bag of snakes, slithering, intertwining, criss-crossing, advancing and reversing. Partial knowledge of A, B, C, D and E all growing simultaneously and dependent on the growing understanding of each of the other components. I don't think that the textbooks that I have used until I came to SpeakCro have made this clear: so often I thought that I had grasped something, only to find out sometime later that there is more, or that there are nuances, or that there are many exceptions to the generalisation that I had learned, or ........ Beware the iznimke (exceptions)!
So here we go ...... The content in this section is neither the sequence nor style of a teaching program - it is simply a reference source of information about Croatian grammar.
Posts will be added continually, if irregularly. Listed below are the titles of the posts in this section. CLICK on a link to go to the relevant page .......... GRAMMAR REFERENCE SECTION HOME (New posts continually added) Nouns 001 Questions that define the case of nouns 002 All nouns have gender 003 Nouns in the nominative case 004 Declension categories of nouns 005 Declension of regular masculine nouns 006 Declension of regular feminine nouns Verbs 001 Transitive and intransitive verbs