Dakle, želiš biti kao pravi Hrvat, jel’da? #005Eto!
So there ...., There you go ...... (with a compulsory shrug of the shoulders)
Hrvoje: Prema novinama, sljedeće godine, vlada će povećati poreze. [According to the papers, next year the government will increase taxes] Zora (with a shrug of her shoulders): Eto! A što onda?
Eto! A regular and more-or-less confirming interjection meaning something like "There!", "There you go!", "Oh yeah!", or "Aha ....." (much less emotional than the "Aha!!" that accompanies an epiphany moment).
For example .........
Or ....
Boris: Vidio sam predsjednika danas na Trgu. Milan: Eto! Imaš sreću. [Milan might also have added "Baš me briga!" (SAYINGS: 003 As if I care! Baš me briga!)]
A frequent "Eto!" during conversation is much more innocent than "Eto ti ga na!", discussed in another post (SAYINGS: 006 See, I told you so! Eto ti ga na!).
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