Dakle, želiš biti kao pravi Hrvat, jel’da?
So you want to be like a real Croat, eh?
Or at least you want to seem to be a real Croat? So you have been learning Croatian, and you accumulated a sizeable Croatian vocabulary, learned lots of grammar, and done lots of exercises. You can form sentences without too much reflecting upon the cases, and you understand most of what Croatians say to you. But it's one thing to know the Croatian language, and something altogether different to seem like you are Croatian (to Croats). In my experience, Croats know instantly that you are not one of them (even from a far-off island or corner of the country) unless you liberally sprinkle your conversations with some key words. So if you want to be a pravi Hrvat (ili prava Hrvatica), write a few key words and phrases on the palm of your hand (Oops, not enough space .... on your arm) to remind yourself to use them whenever you see an opportunity.
In the posts on the following blog pages, we'll walk through a dozen or so words and phrases that are compulsory if you want to seem to be a real Croatian, and to disguise the fact that you are merely learning Croatian.
Listed below are the posts so far in this section. Click on a link to go directly to a post:
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