Croatian sayings and expressions #005Što je, tu je!
So be it! It is what it is!
It is January in Zagreb Petar says: "Moram šetati psa. Ali pada snijeg i temperatura je -10! Ne želim ići van. Ali moram. Što je, tu je! Ajdemo Švrćo (his dog). Ići ćemo u park."
It is May in Zadar - not that it matters, it could be any month in any town ....
Jadranka: "Jedu mi se ćevapi, ali doma imamo samo grah. Htjela bih otići po ćevape, ali auto je pokvaren. Onda ... Što je, tu je! Jest ćemo grah za večeru" Što je, tu je! Literally: What is, is! Common usage: That's the way it is! So be it! There's nothing we can do about it! And implied: That's the situation, let's deal with it. There is no point in worrying about what we cannot change! And just in case you didn't understand my Croatian in the two situations described above ... Petar: "I must walk the dog. But snow is falling and it is -10 degrees. I don't want to go outside. But I must. It is what it is! Let's go, Švrćo. We'll go to the park." Jadranka: "I feel like (eating) ćevapi, but we only have beans at home. I would like to go and get some ćevapi, but the car is out of order. Then, so be it! We will have beans for dinner."
More ....
Here is an example arising directly from the business of learning Croatian with my teacher Mateja at SpeakCro: Bob: Mateja, I was writing something in Croatian that involved the similar-looking nouns posao (job, task) and misao (thought). And I understand from what you told me once, that when we decline these according to the cases, they behave as though the nominative singular were posla and misla. Right? Mateja: 10/10 [I'm sure that she thought to add "for a change..."] Bob: OK, so I thought that they would decline in the same way. Luckily, I checked their declension, because they are different! Here is what I found:
Bob: They are entirely different!
Mateja: Yes, they are. What are the genders of the nouns posao and misao? Bob: Hmmmmmm ... Checking, checking .... Joj! the noun posao is muški rod, but misao is ženski rod! Mateja: Correct. And so what do you think about their declensions? Bob: Aha! I see! Posao behaves like a regular masculine noun (posla), and misao is one of those feminine i-nouns! But why is that? That doesn't make sense to me! Mateja: Što je, tu je! Suck it up, princess! Bob [thinking ...] Mateja is such a sensitive teacher .....
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