Vocabulary: Stuff #001Bookara
Bookara ........ What!?
If you are learning Croatian, you cannot get by without the basic vocabulary. So much so, that I have devoted a whole section to my experiences of this component of the Croatian language (Click to go to Croatian vocabulary).
But sometimes, Croatians play games with their own language. The Croatian word for 'book' is knjiga, of course. And since libraries and bookshops are all about books, the names for these should not surprise us (although I often get mixed up about which is which) ..... Library: Knjižnica (or biblioteka) Bookshop: Knjižara Oh yeah? Stvarno? Here is a bookshop on Maksimirska ulica (na Maksimirskoj ulici) in Zagreb .... And I'm looking for a booknica where I can borrow a book. I love this play on languages! How can you tell that the bookshop Bookara is in Zagreb? Hint: Reflection in window of blue object.
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