About Croatia: Regions, cities, and towns: Zagorje #001The autumn tones of Zagorje
Most tourists to Croatia only see the Dalmatian coast. As wonderful as those seaside towns are, and as mighty as the backdrops of Kozjak, Mosor, and Biokovo mountains are, the region of Zagorje is equally, but differently, beautiful - especially in Autumn.
Zagorje is a hilly region (What is the root of the name Zagorje?) north of Zagreb toward the Slovenian border. I recommend a drive through Zagorje in late October .... Well no, don't just drive through - spend a few days there. I can suggest where to go .....
Zagorje is a botanic delight. Let's look at the ground, in amongst the trees ...
And there is so much more! Jedva čekam s vama podjeliti ...
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