Aha! Learning Croatian: Vocabulary #005Prefixes with the verbs ‘stati’ and ‘stajati’
In a previous post (Prefixes that modify verb meanings), I talked about the challenge presented to us English speakers by the fact that so many prefixes (na-, po-, pod-, nad-, ....) can be tacked on to a basic verb, to bring about either subtle or drastic new meanings.
Here, I would just like to demonstrate this by presenting a number of verbs derived from the basic perfective verb stati, as well as on its imperfective counterpart nastajati. The various meanings of the derived verbs are given here in much more detail than in the previous post. This is just by way of example. What you see here also applies to thousands of other verbs. Prepare to enter the jungle .... My apologies for mistakes that I have probably made with writing examples in Croatian.
No further comment required, except to say, as I have done before, that I am amazed that Croatians doesn't seem to have trouble with all of this complexity, do they?
Well perhaps one more comment ..... You realise, don't you, that many nouns, too, are derived from basic nouns to which prefixes are attached?
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