Dakle, želiš biti kao pravi Hrvat, jel’da? #003Tako je!
That's right! That's the way! Spot on! Absolutely!
Davor: Krečemo u 4, zar ne? [We will start out (head off) at 4 o'clock, is that right?] Katarina: Tako je! [That's right!] This is perhaps the most important characteristic Croatianism, from my observations. To be used liberally. Forget the response "Da".
Ljubica: Mislim da ću to učiniti ovako. Što mislite o tome, Juraj? [I think that I will do it like this. What do you think about that, Juraj?]
Juraj: Tako je!
An observation (which Croats may not agree with) ...
When people say "Tako je" it sounds like one word "Takoje". And when I hear it (often) it seems that the "o" is not pronounced as in "tako", but almost like that in "koje". What do you think? Je l' tako? Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about that: just use it as often as you can.
Bob (to teacher Mateja): Mateja, da li je ova rečenica ok? 'Blah, blah, blah, ..... ' [In English: Blah, blah, blah, ....]
Mateja: Tako je!
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